
Green Tea: Help Or Hype?

Green Tea: Help Or Hype?
Green Tea: Help Or Hype?
Green Tea: Help Or Hype?

Green Tea: Help Or Hype?

Green Tea: Help Or Hype?
Green Tea: Help Or Hype?

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz in the medical community about the advantages of drinking green tea. I have no doubt that you are familiar with this phrase. Have you ever found yourself pondering,



“Is it really worth my time to drink tea of the green variety?” or “Am I missing out on something by not doing so?” Continue to linger here and make your own choice.



In the beginning, the Claims: A good supply of anti-oxidants that are: What exactly are these “anti-oxidants”? Anti-oxidants eliminate “free radicals,” which are unbalanced molecules found in the body that have the potential to ultimately turn hostile and inflict devastation on the cells if left unchecked.


Damage caused by free radicals can take many forms, ranging from skin cancer to a stiffening of the arteries. Drinking green tea will help you amass more of the anti-oxidant fighters that lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease by controlling blood pressure. Green tea also helps lower the risk of stroke.



Green tea has been linked to reduced incidences of cancer in Asian communities, which may be beneficial for cancer protection. Cancers of the bladder, colon, esophagus, pancreatic, sigmoid, and stomach have all been the subject of research and have been documented.


There is emerging evidence that drinking green tea may also aid in the prevention of prostate cancer. Studies also indicate that there may be potential anti-inflammatory and arthritis protecting benefits in green tea, although I will confess that sound scientific evidence was challenging to come by. This could be helpful for people who suffer from arthritis.


I’m going to go ahead and award green tea an A for its arthritis-fighting efforts on the basis of a straightforward recommendation. Protection for the liver It has been demonstrated that drinking green tea can safeguard liver cells by boosting the immune system. The liver is shielded from damage caused by pollutants such as alcohol and cigarette smoke by drinking green tea.


It has been suggested that drinking green tea can safeguard teeth and improve dental wellness. (although scientific proof was difficult to come by here, too). It is believed that drinking green tea can fight microorganisms and prevent molars from developing cavities.

Green Tea: Help Or Hype?


Loss of body fat is yet another advantage that will cause many people to raise a question. Several of the sources that I looked into suggested that drinking green tea could actually assist in making one lose weight. Yes! Green tea is known to contain polyphenols, which are molecular substances that have been shown to aid in weight loss and the regulation of blood sugar and hormone levels in the body.


The Unfavorable News What is the disheartening report? The naturally prevalent caffeine in green tea is responsible for the uncomplicated instances of sleeplessness that have been documented. This is the only adverse impact that I’ve discovered. However, it appears that there are only 30–60 milligrams of caffeine in 6–8 ounces of tea.


That’s considerably less than half of the caffeine that’s in an average cup of coffee, which contains approximately 90 milligrams for every 8 ounce serving. Other Questions and Answers Regarding Green Tea: How much green tea should one drink each day to get the full benefits? It would appear that no one knows the solution to this question with any level of certainty.


Let’s face it: the majority of people are perfectly capable of consuming three to four glasses of green tea per day. This is a nice round figure, and I came up with it based on the regularity with which it was mentioned in the research that was looked at.


I have a proposition for you: instead of drinking the coffee you normally do, why not try drinking something that will give you a clear dosage of health? Where can I get a cup of tea that’s really good? Check out your neighborhood grocery store for my top pick, which is Lipton.


There are quite a few others, but I like the way that Lipton tries to spice up green tea with a diversity of flavors. They even have a variety that is orange, passionfruit, and jasmine, and it is absolutely delicious! If consuming tea isn’t really your thing, but you want the health advantages anyway, that’s not a problem at all! Green tea can also be purchased in capsule form at this time.


It’s possible that the answer is as close as the drugstore down the street. Do some investigating. In a nutshell, this researcher thinks that you should seriously contemplate drinking green tea because of its many health benefits. The mere possibility of favorable outcomes is sufficient to pique one’s interest in it. If drinking a lot of tea contributes to my overall health and helps me avoid getting sick, I won’t complain about the fact that it’s simple to stomach, tastes good, and I do it because I want to.



The research for this article was produced by taking into meticulous consideration previous research and articles that have been published on WebMD, in addition to a number of other relevant texts, which include the following: Phyllis A. Balch, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing. 2004 edition published by Penguin Putnam in New York. The name is Richard Mabey.



The herbalist of the new age. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988. Mindell, Earl, R.Ph., Ph.D. Herb Bible. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. Tierra, Michael L.Ac., O.M.D. The Way of Herbs and Spices New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

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